Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb. Birthdays

Braxton got to invite friends from church and school over for his birthday. They played with balloons, had Hot Dogs, Cupcakes, and got to open presents! For a game we decorated balloons with face stickers, and then popped them out in the garage right before the party was over.
With the gift cards fron the grand parents, he was able to get 2 big sets of Legos - and he has them all put together. He can put them together all by him self too!
For Sophie we didnt have anyone over - like she cares! We had a chocolate bundt cake and she was so funny! didnt want to touch it. Both grandparents sent $$$ (she started dancing to the music in the card from my parents. It was so cute...she is such a girl!) so we got a ball popper thing from Target and a new front-facing car seat! Now she can see where we are going all the time. Merrill got her a glow worm on his way home from work - she is very in to babies! She wants to haul them around where ever she goes....and a baby isnt a baby doll - its any REALLY soft stuffed animal or glow worm.
I am too frustrated with this blogger thing to get all the pictures in the right you can figure it out on your own.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I love how focused Sophie is on the fire - maybe she's a pyro! I love pyro's!!! TM