The school district here does a big Holiday Party for all the schools. It was at the high school last week and since I was alone with the kids, we all went. HOLY COW. I dont know if I have ever felt so out numbered. I saw a few families that matched ours. They had tables and tables of OTC crafts - and glue and stuff to put them together. Yeah right was I going to do that! We are talking 12 projects per kid! Instead of picking a few and doing them there - we went to every table, got the projects, stuffed them in my bag, and got our balloons and faces painted, and went home. Face Paintings
Saturday morning was the big project day. I got out the glue gun and went to town! the boys love a good project...and so do I. Who doesn't love 2 hours of free stuff to do with your kids?!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Merrick with his elf face, ginger bread woman, frame, candy cane holder, Christmas tree, and candy cane ornament.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B with the same - of his projects.^