Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Target Tester

Tell me what you think!

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Theresa Walker said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations!

J & J said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you guys!! Hope all is well. We miss you all.

NoLessThanJess said...

That is so funny! I was thinking about when you guys were going to have another one today! You are freaking me out. Congrats! Can we cross our fingers for a girl?

Raadgep Fam said...

WOW OKay! Super jelous! Congrates!

Mrs.EBG said...

OMG!!! CONGRATS!!! How fun!!! I'm sooo excited for you!!!

Grace said...

Congratulations M & M! I hope you have a girl too. I think the Walker family is a little lopsided on the boy side!!

Ellie said...

I think Target is a really cute middle name.

hayley said...

oh boy, i knew that was coming! Marin kept telling me how baby hungry your comments were on her blog:) CONGRATS! Maybe I can follow suit????

Heather said...

Awesome!! Congratulations! How far along are you? I'm hoping to see something like this soon!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I wish soooo bad I could get pregnant right now too so we can have babies at the same time!! I'm gonna go give it a try - catch ya later! TM

Brynley said...

COngrats!!! I find it so funny you took a picture. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. it was fun hanging out with you on the beach!

Marin said...

Yeeeeaahhhh!! More babies! I love the pics...that is sooo funny! I'm so excited for you. Carden is already getting sooo big!

P.S. I TOTALLY want to buy some MAKENNA MADE earings when you get your stuff down there in AZ! That was sooo cool watching you make those beads! Thanks for the fun time in San Diego. I already miss the beach!